Use of infrastructure by third party

 Dear external riders


You have the possibility to profit from our indoor arena after prior consultation. Please check the hours shown below frequently, as these may change on a weekly basis.


The indoor/outdoor arena is available at following times:

Sunday, 12.00 - 13.30 Uhr 


Please strictly follow the rules and pay for your use in advance, or immediately after riding:

-Collect droppings 

-Put the fences back to how they were before 

-Be respectful towards your horse and individuals

-Internals must have priority
-If you intend to train with your Trainer on our place, we want to be informed. You find the Charge for
 use with trainer below.


If you wish to ride on our outdoor sand arena, please contact us to fix a suitable date and time.


Thank you very much and have fun!


Charge third-party use

Charge third-party use
Tarif Anlagebenutzung 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 410.0 KB